ST100RS Band Resaw
Machine Information
The ST100RS is a highly engineered, compact and reliable band resaw that is particularly suitable for joinery workshops, furniture manufacturers, builders’ merchants and the many other woodworking establishments where quality, reliability and versatility are important factors, incorporating a soft-touch digital pad allowing all major functions to be controlled from one point.
The machine incorporates a full width cast iron table with infeed and outfeed idle rollers, a heavy duty multi roller fence with digital readout, replaceable pressure saw guides to ensure accuracy, pneumatic saw straining, a re-sited HMI control unit for easier visibility, infinitely variable feed rates 5-60 metres/min and of course the traditional 915mm diameter cast iron pulley wheels which have been a hallmark of Stenner Resaws over the years.
Included as standard equipment on this latest model is a pneumatically operated radial arm feed, which is activated by photocell. The standard machine incorporates a hand wheel for fine adjustment and a foot pedal override facility is also available as an option.
- Pressure sawguide system with easily changeable guides requiring no setting or adjustment.
- Multi-roller fence providing angle cutting facilities up to 35o.
- Pneumatic saw straining.
- Infinitely variable feed speed 5 – 60m/min.
- Cleaning system for sawblades and saw pulleys with solenoid controlled drip feed delivery of lubricant.
- 5 kW / 25 HP main motor drive with automatic starter with two emergency stop buttons.
- Handwheel setting of the inward position of the feed rollers
- Pneumatic movement of the feed rollers activated by photocell
- Selector switch to activate/deactivate photocell
- Inverter controlled rotation of the pulleys with variable saw speeds of 20-45 M/Sec. Soft Start/Soft Stop function.
- Complete with free standing electrical cabinet and remote operators pedestal containing the machine controls.
- Free running horizontal table rollers at infeed and outfeed
Machine fitted with DC braking, interlocking of guards and other features to comply with the requirements of the CEN Machinery Directive 2006/42 EC